Friday, December 01, 2006

Suki in bed

Suki in bed, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

Just waiting for me to join her and turn out the lights!

Time for Bed said Suki!

Time for Bed said Suki!, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

Heading up the stairs, at the end of a tiring day of eating and sleeping on the couch, chair, in front of the fire, eating, sleeping again........................................etc.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Suki has decided it is time to start hibernating - as opposed to just sleeping all day!

She now spends almost ALL of the day asleep on her new rug on my bed!!

It must be nice to be a pampered cat!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Dean castle pets corner October 2006

Dean castle Oct 2006 _60
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I couldn't resist taking this photo. The chickens were all perched on the fence during a dry spell in between some showers and the cockerel was crowing himself hoarse onthe back of the appropriately carved bench!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Self evident!

It must be a hard life being a cat!!

I can't be bothered moving

I can't be bothered moving
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki was so comfortable she didn't budge while I was taking her photo - normally she moves just before I get the photo I wanted!

Comfortable pussycat

Comfortable pussycat
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki finds that the cushions have to be at ust the correct position in order to get a comfortable sleep!! However it does mean I have to give the couches and chairs a really good oovering if I don't want guests to be covered in cat hairs!

Fungi time again!!

Fungi time again!!
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
These are some giant polypore fungi sprouting from the side of an old Beech tree trunk [Tree was cut down a couple of years ago after most of it fell down after a storm. The fungi is amazing, but it is unfortunate that a large number of people, especially children seem to think it is alright to smash and kick any fungi they see. I can only hope that I can help educate a few of them in my work as a Countryside Ranger.

Dean Castle woodland walkway

Dean Castle woodland walkway
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I just caught the feeling of a fine day just at the start of our Autumn. It was a beautiful still, warm morning, and I was walking down to the main car park to meet a load of schoolchildren who were coming to the park to and event called Danger Detectives - where they go around a load of 'sets' where they have to think about the various kinds of Danger which might be around - such as in the home, on the road[cycling], near water, out in the woods [mine], using the internet or from fire.

Dean Castle woodland walkway

Dean Castle woodland walkway
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I just caught the feeling of a fine day just at the start of our Autumn. It was a beautiful still, warm morning, and I was walking down to the main car park to meet a load of schoolchildren who were coming to the park to and event called Danger Detectives - where they go around a load of 'sets' where they have to think about the various kinds of Danger which might be around - such as in the home, on the road[cycling], near water, out in the woods [mine], using the internet or from fire.


Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I loved the pattern that the shadows were making on the walkway under the trees. Especially with some of the first falling leaves of Autumn

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sleepy cat!

I think Suki tries to camouflage herself, by lying on the multicoloured stair carpet. It also gives her a good view of who is coming to the door, and an 'escape route if she decides she wants to bolt up under the bed in one of the bedrooms!
However most of the time she spends sleeping - wherever she finds comfortable!!

My Muppet personality

You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!

I was a bit worried that I would turn out to be Miss Piggy, as I have a similar figure to her!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

FAT CAT at the Trough

This is my rather fat cat tucking into her evening meal. She was fairly skinny when she first came to stay with me, but a mother and a husband who gave her food on demand 18 hours a day, meant that she grew rather large. She has now been cut down in rations, to suit her lethargic lifestyle, as this is a cat which does NOT like to go outdoors if she can help it, unless it is very late at night when there is no-one around but you keep the door open so she can rush back indoors at the slightest sound!!!! Talk about a scardy-cat. There are other pictures of her throughout the blog if you like cats.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I was just on a blog site which had this interesting thing about "What is your Celtic Tree" Funnily enough there is something similar at Dean Castle Country Park Visitor Centre but you have to be able to go there to read it!!
I fyou want to find out your tree just click on the link

You Are A Rowan Tree
You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room.And while you crave attention, you do it without ego.You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable.You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless.You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving.

It was funny to find out I am a rowan tree - they were very special trees in the highlands - the home of good spirits, which could ward off evil from the home. That was why so many were planted mear o the doors of highland crofts. Of course they also were one of the few hardy scottish trees, easy to grow, and they would provide shade from the sun and shelter from the wind and rain for people at your door too!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Rhododendron - a countryside scourge.

Rhododendrons are a pet HATE of mine. When they have been allowed to spread rampant throughout the countryside they become a menace. The roots put chemicals into the soil around the plant to 'inhibit' the growth of other plants [ apart from the few trees which were already large enough before the Rhoddies arrived], and these chemicals are also present in the plant itself. The flowers although 'big and blousy' and visited by many bees, are only around for a short time, and any honey containing the pollen from large numbers of blooms, can end up containing so much of the chemical that it can poison the bees in the winter time when they eat their store of honey. The branches and stems also contain the chemical and there have been a few cases where dogs which chew and 'munch' sticks of rhododendron, thrown for them by their owners, can end up with stomach cramps and severe stomach problems caused by the sap.

This is just a few of the reasons why I think it is an excellent to eradicate as much Rhododendron ponticum [the wild purple variety] as possible, to allow the natural flora and fauna to flourish instead. This is what I have been helping with in Kilmarnock with Scott the Clydesdale Horse, assisting us by removing the cut branches to a place where they can be burned safely. [see previous posts] I do have to admit that the thicker stems are excellent wood for burning on fires producing very little smoke and a lot of heat, once they start to burn. The wood from the thicker stems is also good for carving as it is very dense and can be cut into shapes which will not snap easily, in fact I made myself a walking stick from one length, cut out at Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Time for a clear out?

I have been helping a friend of mine, who is also a blogger, move recently, not only her home but also her business premises!
She and her partner were definately hoarders and the amount of stuff they had to sort through and pack, very carefully, was phenomial.
However, I shouldn't really talk as I have a three story Victorian semi-villa which is packed with 'stuff'. Much of this is things I have collected over the years, when I would go through phases of collecting different things, or I would just see something that I liked, and then try and find somewhere to put it when I got home, however I also have the majority of furniture, ornaments, etc., which belonged to my parents and other relatives, most of which I like [antique stuff] but there are a few things which are kept purely for sentimental reasons and some because I don't like 'waste' and I would rather they went to someone who would appreciate them. I also have a load of stuff from some of my previous jobs - which may come in handy someday - but I have slready been going through that stuff and 'recycling' all the papers, etc, which takes quite a bit of time. It is much nicer when it is a sunny day and I can do it outside, and enjoy the sunshine at the same time!!
I should really have a go at 'carbooting' and try to sell a few things too.
I really could have an EXTREME clear out and try and clear some space, especially in my basement. However I shall probably clear the space only to fill it once more with other things.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Summertime .......and the living is easy!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it is the summertime, and we have had some good weather over the past couple of months. I like the fact that when the sun shines people smile a lot more. Everyone seems to be happier and we all go outside a LOT more. [probably because we do not get wet!!]

We had a fun day where I work recently, where people could get their photos taken with the Clydesdale horse, for a £1 - which was going to the local hospice. We managed to raise about £60 ourselves, and I believe the whole day raised over £2000 for the hospice. It was a lovely sunny day, with a cooling breeze and everybody enjoyed themselves -- including the horse who really likes people, especially children.

This is a photo taken towards the end of the evening. I had come out of our office and could hear voices on the lawn next to the building, when I looked around the corner this was my view. And it appeared as if the dogs were talking

[It was just because it was still warm and they were panting and moving their mouths - their owners were sitting on the benches which were hidden by the hedge!]

The garden is looking great as well
at the moment with lots of purple
flowers in bloom at the moment - Aqueliga
and some globe flowers too,
this is a close up of one of the
huge heads.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I've been working with some 'old technology' recently the form of a ten year old Clydesdale named Scott!
He is a big gentle horse, but this was new to him too - so we were all training each other.
We harnessed him up to start training him for pulling out Rhododendrons from Dean Castle Country Park, when we start cutting them out [they are invasive alien species which put poisions into the ground to inhibit other plants from growing, and their flowers contain the same thing which can kill bee colonies if they use too much of the pollen to make their honey! - so they are coming out] !

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Yes it is officially Spring. There are some photos here to prove it too! Just scroll down to have a look!

Change is inevitable I suppose.

I recently turned fifty……..yes, 50 years old/young whatever.
However I still feel a mental age of about 28 -30. As my Uncle said “everyone presumes that the mind grows old with the body, but that just isn’t true………a little wiser perhaps from experience, and a little more tolerant….but not older”.
I don’t think he’s ever seen a tv programme called ‘Grumpy Old Men’ or ‘Grumpy Old Women’, where people such as Rick Wakeman and Janet Street Porter talk about how they feel about life and the things that are happening. I suppose every generation feels that it knows best, and doesn’t like the older or younger generations ideas! What can I say --- I can only say ’Change happens’ - whether it happens fast or slowly it does happen. I was thinking back to when I ’became and adult’, which was in the 1970’s , and how different things were - the career path I had chosen was ‘different ‘ for a girl - in fact having a career was different - girls were still expected to “ find a nice young man and settle down as a housewife and mother”. The fact that I did neither was STRANGE then. It was also ‘unseemly’ for a young lady to go into a Public House - except for the ‘lounge bar’, and you never got served Pints - only half pints! Mind you this was also when things like lime and lemonade ‘splashes’ were free and the closing time was 10.30 p.m. I can remember all the guys buying double rounds about 10.15 and ‘throwing them down their throats’ before they got ‘chucked out. It meant everyone went out for about 7.00pm just to have enough time to have a few rounds in a civilised manner! When they changed the licensing laws, it meant that you could then go out at 9.0pm and still have an enjoyable evening. Money also went much farther too. I bought a two bedroom, two reception room, kitchen and bathroom upper cottage flat, in 1981 for about £17,500.00 - which was then a large amount of money, [ but sold it just at the start of the ‘boom’ in 1989 for £38,000.00 sometimes I wished I had kept it and just rented it out - it would have been in the six figure mark by now , as it had a cottage feel and had countryside views from every window, but was only ten minutes drive from the nearest town!


I hate being cut off mid sentence! That is exactly what happened yesterday when I was busy typing away on another entry for my blogsite, when all of a sudden my laptop gave four bleeps and shut down, because it was overheating. There was not enough time to save anything which I had written, or to sign out of the site or anything. Trouble is when I start writing all sorts of things come into my mind and then down via the keyboard, but I do not necessarily retain the train of thought in my mind! So waiting for the laptop to cool down before I could restart, meant that I have forgotten almost all of the things which I had written. I do know some of it was to do with the spring weather.
It is definitely Spring - we have lovely warm sunshine, interrupted by HEAVY bouts of rain and the occasional snow shower followed by the sunshine again - all in an afternoon……………but then I do live in Scotland so I should be used to having the four seasons in one day. I have been dodging the showers to work in my garden - clearing away the winter wreckage of dead twigs, dried up stems and the debris which falls from the two large conifer trees. I was also digging up and dividing some of my perennials - rejuvenating the ‘original’ plant and giving me a few more ‘free’ plants to put elsewhere in the borders and beds. Now I must get my new pond mould put in place, and the vegetable plot up and running again, and the greenhouse sorted out too, before I have my big garden party in May.

April flowers

April flowers_0014
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki sniffing her way further round the garden!

April flowers #1

April flowers #1
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Beautiful daffodils dancing in the breeze

April flowers #2

April flowers #2
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Daffodil line dancers!

April flowers #3

April flowers #3
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
line dancing daffodils!!

April flowers #4

April flowers #4
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
My cat, Suki, out exploring the sights and smells of Spring [especially as a Grey Squirrel had been in the same area five mintes earlier!]
This is definately a house cat as she does not particularily like going out into the garden on her own, or having the house door closed behind her - unless it is a dark evening and she wishes to try hunting mice!!

March Flowers #1

March Flowers #1
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Silky purple crocuses bringing brightness to the garden.

Daffodil Close-up

Daffodil Close-up
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Distilled sunshine. Don't daffodils in the spring sunshine just make one want to smile. They are the heralds of Spring and the promise of a summer of flowers. They make us want to see a world which is full of colour and sunshine.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Having a look around!

I got a comment from Lee {after moaning about life in general} to ask if had 'looked around', which started me thinking.

How often do people stop in their tracks and really look around them? I live on the edge of the city of Glasgow, and even as a child, when I visited the city centre I would often not only look at the people and the shopfronts around me but I would also look UP at the buildings - many of which were covered with statues and sculptures and artisitic details - which one never saw unless looking up at the buildings. Many of these old city centre buildings were constructed around the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when Glasgow was a very prosperous city. The Merchants of the city were making huge profits and spending their money on their town houses and ofiices and stores within the city. I know that a lot of this money wa made on the misery of others - the slave trade and the tobacco trade being the main 'money spinners', but the legacy they have left for the people of Glasgow is wonderful. There is a lot of new building going on in the city nowadays, and I have to say that a lot of it, while perhaps being "exciting" to the builders and architects and financiers - are not very inspiring for the rest of us. The developments along the River Clyde side for example. After years of the river being hidden from the general public by the Shipyard buildings [ necessarily high to contain the ships being built] what do they do when they knock the old buildings down? - Build new blocks of tiered flats, right on the riverside, which are even higher! They are also constructing a new road bridge across the river to link finlaystone with Govan, just east of the old carriage tunnel route, and it is neither high, nor does it have anyway of opening, therefore there will be no chance for any large boats [or boats with high masts] being able to pass underneath. The reason that the Kingston Bridge was built [in the late 1960's] so high above the water was to allow the passage of comercial ships underneath! Maybe they will develop the upper part of the river, as a marina ype area for pleasure craft??? [Doubt it] Many major european cities which have large rivers flowing through their centres, have many areas filled with both commercial and pleasure craft. Why is our city river empty???

Enough moaning! The last couple of days have been very spring-like here, and I have even sat out in the garden for an hour or so in the sun - reading and drinking coffee. [Ok I was wearing a jumper, but I did not need a jacket - especially in my little garden suntrap!]

The daffodils and crocuses which I planted last autumn are all showing above ground - the lovely purple of the crocus gleaming like amethysts and the bright yellows of the different daffodils just starting to peep through their protective covers. Time to get the cameras dusted off again............ bye for now.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Suki asleep

Suki asleep
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki in her favourite position-SLEEPING.
This isa catwhich spends approximately 22.5 hour perday sleeping. She spends the rest of the time, eating, grooming, watching birds out of the window, and a VERY SMALL amount of time outdoors [in winter - too cold for her I think!]
Still there is something comforting about having a sleeping cat in the room with you while you work - I suppose it is a trust thing. Plus she seems to make the place look 'warm'!

Sphinx Sukicat.

Sphinx Sukicat.
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
This is my very relaxed cat Suki in one of her favourite positions - sphinx copying on the dining room table, while I am working on my laptop! She has really been enjoying the fact that I have been at home most of the time since New Year! Some one toask for foodatany hour of the day, instead of just the evenings!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Have YOU recovered from the 'festive Season'!?

I wrote the following in January but obviously forgot to upload it, so it makes sense to pt this up before I write anything else!

Well, the Festive Season must be over because the television, the papers, and the shops are full of adverts and programmes, and books, etc on HEALTHY LIVING, DIETING, AND EXERCISE! If you are lucky, you only have a few pound to shed after a bout of excess over the Christmas and New Year periods! If you are unlucky,you have suddenly realised what everyone else has seen 'creeping up on you' - that you are extremely over weight and unhealthy. However until there is a little light that goes on in your head and a little switch gets flicked over - all the prompting frokm other people does not do any good. You have to decide for yourself and inside yourself that you have to change the way you live. Even if it is just a small simple change like trying to take a walk every day - IT WILL HELP! Bigger changes will create bigger changes but snall steps will eventually get the same result - like the hare and the tortoise, I suppose. I would rather be the tortoise and win in the long run than be the hare who looks like he is winning, but who gives up halfway through and ends up losing the race.

I was at a couple of gigs which my friends in the band THE VAGABONDS held - one on Boxing Day and one on New Years Night [1st Jan.2006] and took a few photographs. At one point during the New Year gig Sandy and a friend had decided to 'have a laugh' and did a quick 'change' in the back, and came back on stage as 'Mick Jagger' and 'Ozzy'. It did make everyone in the place almost double over with laughter! They are a great live band and if you ever get the chance to see them perform, take it. They have a regular spot every Thursday night in the Scotia Bar in Glasgow from 9 p.m.[ish] but it is very cramped in there so they do not do the 'full' over the top 'show' but it is still usually excellent. They cover a wide variety of music with Rolling Stones covers some of their favourites.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

Well - Happy New Year to one and all.

Personally I have not had that great a'festive season' the reason being that the company I worked for was liquidated by the 5 directors on the 21st December and my job was made redundant! So I was out of work AND owed two months wages (as well as redundancy payments and lack of notice payment) three days before Christmas! Nice christmas present from the directors. It is also quite possible that I will not get any payments for quite a few months yet! Didn'y make for a Merry festive season!

I had family and friends for Christmas Lunch as usual, it just meant that I couldn't be as generous as I would have liked when it came to presents etc.

However I have my health, my family and my good friends as well as my faithful cat [ who is at this precise moment sleeping on a cushion on the table and obviously dreaming about chasing something].

The new year dawns with me thinking that this is a good time to change my direction slightly - perhaps startup in business myself! I will be looking into this in the near future.

There is also the old paradox - when one is working one has the money doesn't seem to have the time for 'leisure pursuits', exercising, visiting friends or places further afield, BUT when one is 'unemployed' one has the time but not the finances! A catch 22 situation! Even jobhunting costs money!