Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Self evident!

It must be a hard life being a cat!!

1 comment:

boneman said...

Y'know, fer a while there I got t'thinkin' that maybe they were stuft kitties on yer steps.
I mean, they didn't move an inch fer all that time.

Actually, I did have a friend once who stuft her cats as they passed.....not a terribly grand last will and testament reading, that. She had left one for everybody she knew...(yes, I got George, her favorite)...and while most folks declined to even deal with them, I chose to do what she wanted us to do.
Built a funeral pier (i don't know hoe t'spell it, but, the flames were marvelous and I'll bet she was a happy old lady lookin' down at me from Heaven) and laid the cat "body" on it, then built it up even higher.
For a cat that stood only maybe a foot tall, I had constructed what could be deemed as a major blaze!

Still, that's what the old gal wanted. I was pretty sure ol' George (named after her husband) didn't mind. Well, dang. Now that I look back on it, I wonder if he was just sleeping?

(nah. )