Sunday, July 16, 2006

Time for a clear out?

I have been helping a friend of mine, who is also a blogger, move recently, not only her home but also her business premises!
She and her partner were definately hoarders and the amount of stuff they had to sort through and pack, very carefully, was phenomial.
However, I shouldn't really talk as I have a three story Victorian semi-villa which is packed with 'stuff'. Much of this is things I have collected over the years, when I would go through phases of collecting different things, or I would just see something that I liked, and then try and find somewhere to put it when I got home, however I also have the majority of furniture, ornaments, etc., which belonged to my parents and other relatives, most of which I like [antique stuff] but there are a few things which are kept purely for sentimental reasons and some because I don't like 'waste' and I would rather they went to someone who would appreciate them. I also have a load of stuff from some of my previous jobs - which may come in handy someday - but I have slready been going through that stuff and 'recycling' all the papers, etc, which takes quite a bit of time. It is much nicer when it is a sunny day and I can do it outside, and enjoy the sunshine at the same time!!
I should really have a go at 'carbooting' and try to sell a few things too.
I really could have an EXTREME clear out and try and clear some space, especially in my basement. However I shall probably clear the space only to fill it once more with other things.


boneman said...

This isn't, know.

Kindurco said...

This isn't what?...........I don't know!
Cultural divide and all that.
More specific please?