Sunday, March 25, 2007

Patch on Cathkin Braes at the 'split' tree

What is that old story about the eye of the needle!! This tree looks a little like the eye of a needle, but you probably could fit a camel through it - with a squeeze! It was damaged after some very high winds at the start of March. The top of the tree is 'hung-up' on another Larch, and it is actually rather precarious, especially with the path underneath it! There has been quite a bit of regeneration of Beech trees around this area, which was cleared of Rhododenrons quite a few years ago. There have also been some windfalls opening up the canaopy to allow some seedlings to develop. Hopefully in a few years, they will have grown quite large!

Patch and a football

Patch and a football, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

Patch 'discovered' this old football which had appeared from a neighbours garden - He was really enjoying playing with it by himself, with the odd kick from me!


Patch, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

Can we go and play please?!!!

Let sleeping dogs [and cats] lie

Let sleeping dogs [and cats] lie, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

Peace at last!

Photo?--- what photo!!

Photo?--- what photo!!, originally uploaded by Kindurco.

"This will destroy my credibility" thinks Suki the cat!

Monday, March 12, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I was re-reading my January comments, when I said that my New Years Resolution was to lose some weight!
I am glad to report tha I am 'on my way', by having lost 15lbs since January 11th, when I rejoined the diet and fitness club.
I also got myself the personal trainer which I had promised to myself.

a quite young ,



with four paws and a tail that likes to wag!!
Yes I have got a dog.

I went to my local Dog's Trust, here in Glasgow, and found him - just waiting for me!! He had not even reached the 'glass' viewing kennels but the assistant thought that we would be just right for each other --- and he was correct.
Patch[! - came with the name] is three years old and came from a 'broken home' - his family had got divorced and both had moved into rented accomodation where no dogs were allowed. SO he and his sister were taken to the Dog's Trust for them to find new homes. His sister had already been 'adopted', before I met Patch. He is three years old and well trained,[house-broken] although he is taking a little while to get to know the cat Suki - and Vice-versa!
Meeting some of the family
Playing 'ball' or rather 'Kill the ball' in the back garden.

He has been with me for a couple of weeks now and has settled in quite well, - and Suki now allows him to within scratching distance before she gives him any warning hisses [ at which he simply sits down!!]

Patch and Suki.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Outdoor Poetry and other things.

I was at a 'seminar' in Scotland the other day - called Leading Edge. It is where lots of people from the areas of environmental education , get together and get shown 'new' ideas and also exchange ideas. They are always great fun apart from a serious learning forum, and we end up doing all sorts of things. This year's theme was 'Water, Water everywhere..'

The first session of the morning was a talk from a poet, who showed us five photographs - all with watery themes, and when we saw each photo we had to write down a word, or phrase or feeling -something - which came to mind when we looked at the photo. We all ended up with five lines of writing. When I looked at mine altogether I suppose you could say 'they came out as a poem'

Misty tranquility and solitude

Ripples over rocks ground down over time

Green lagoon of deep seawater

Waterfall of sparkling white

Hidden treasures of delight

Another workshop had us outside to do some creative writing and one of the ones I came up with was:
Raucous Rooks in the rookery

Calling and cawing and cursing

the cold wind which rocks

the new nests they are trying to construct.

Please leave a comment and tell me what you think!