Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Playtime! a video by Kindurco on Flickr.

Hamish playing with his Frisbee in my garden - !!

Monday, February 07, 2011

2011-01-21 Sunset from Cathkin Braes - with Hamish (11)

A beautiful, but cold late walk with my dog Hamish, at Cathkin Braes, above Glasgow [to the south]. The sunset that day was spectacular - and this is one of a series of pictures I took. If you look closely at the bottom middle of the pcture - one can just see some lights in the distance - from the Newton Mearns part of Glasgow I think.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Happy New Year to anyone who reads this.............
I haven't been writing blogs for quite a while, it gets depressing being unemployed for a long period, hopefully I shall be gainfully employed in 2011 once again. I did get a part-time Facilitator post - but it was on an 'as and when required' basis - so although I was working from the end of June to the end of August - it was only a few days most weeks and the days were usually only 2.5 to 4 hours in length!! certainly not a full time post - but it still took up a day! Then after starting I discovered that I could NOT claim Working Tax Credits as I needed to have been signing on for 26 weeks - and I was only signing for 25 weeks when I started the part time post - if I had known I would have waited for another week efore starting!!!! - which would have given me a living wage at least! I still occasionally do guided walks - for 2.5 hours - but because I do - I get money taken off my state benefits - much more than I actually earn too!!

Here are a few photos of where I was doing this part-time post - the Natioanl Museum for Rural Life Scotland
Photography walk
Den Building day Bug Hunts finding something interesting

Environmental Art
Anyway - I hope 2011 will be a much better year. For us all!