Sunday, April 16, 2006


Yes it is officially Spring. There are some photos here to prove it too! Just scroll down to have a look!

Change is inevitable I suppose.

I recently turned fifty……..yes, 50 years old/young whatever.
However I still feel a mental age of about 28 -30. As my Uncle said “everyone presumes that the mind grows old with the body, but that just isn’t true………a little wiser perhaps from experience, and a little more tolerant….but not older”.
I don’t think he’s ever seen a tv programme called ‘Grumpy Old Men’ or ‘Grumpy Old Women’, where people such as Rick Wakeman and Janet Street Porter talk about how they feel about life and the things that are happening. I suppose every generation feels that it knows best, and doesn’t like the older or younger generations ideas! What can I say --- I can only say ’Change happens’ - whether it happens fast or slowly it does happen. I was thinking back to when I ’became and adult’, which was in the 1970’s , and how different things were - the career path I had chosen was ‘different ‘ for a girl - in fact having a career was different - girls were still expected to “ find a nice young man and settle down as a housewife and mother”. The fact that I did neither was STRANGE then. It was also ‘unseemly’ for a young lady to go into a Public House - except for the ‘lounge bar’, and you never got served Pints - only half pints! Mind you this was also when things like lime and lemonade ‘splashes’ were free and the closing time was 10.30 p.m. I can remember all the guys buying double rounds about 10.15 and ‘throwing them down their throats’ before they got ‘chucked out. It meant everyone went out for about 7.00pm just to have enough time to have a few rounds in a civilised manner! When they changed the licensing laws, it meant that you could then go out at 9.0pm and still have an enjoyable evening. Money also went much farther too. I bought a two bedroom, two reception room, kitchen and bathroom upper cottage flat, in 1981 for about £17,500.00 - which was then a large amount of money, [ but sold it just at the start of the ‘boom’ in 1989 for £38,000.00 sometimes I wished I had kept it and just rented it out - it would have been in the six figure mark by now , as it had a cottage feel and had countryside views from every window, but was only ten minutes drive from the nearest town!


I hate being cut off mid sentence! That is exactly what happened yesterday when I was busy typing away on another entry for my blogsite, when all of a sudden my laptop gave four bleeps and shut down, because it was overheating. There was not enough time to save anything which I had written, or to sign out of the site or anything. Trouble is when I start writing all sorts of things come into my mind and then down via the keyboard, but I do not necessarily retain the train of thought in my mind! So waiting for the laptop to cool down before I could restart, meant that I have forgotten almost all of the things which I had written. I do know some of it was to do with the spring weather.
It is definitely Spring - we have lovely warm sunshine, interrupted by HEAVY bouts of rain and the occasional snow shower followed by the sunshine again - all in an afternoon……………but then I do live in Scotland so I should be used to having the four seasons in one day. I have been dodging the showers to work in my garden - clearing away the winter wreckage of dead twigs, dried up stems and the debris which falls from the two large conifer trees. I was also digging up and dividing some of my perennials - rejuvenating the ‘original’ plant and giving me a few more ‘free’ plants to put elsewhere in the borders and beds. Now I must get my new pond mould put in place, and the vegetable plot up and running again, and the greenhouse sorted out too, before I have my big garden party in May.

April flowers

April flowers_0014
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki sniffing her way further round the garden!

April flowers #1

April flowers #1
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Beautiful daffodils dancing in the breeze

April flowers #2

April flowers #2
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Daffodil line dancers!

April flowers #3

April flowers #3
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
line dancing daffodils!!

April flowers #4

April flowers #4
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
My cat, Suki, out exploring the sights and smells of Spring [especially as a Grey Squirrel had been in the same area five mintes earlier!]
This is definately a house cat as she does not particularily like going out into the garden on her own, or having the house door closed behind her - unless it is a dark evening and she wishes to try hunting mice!!

March Flowers #1

March Flowers #1
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Silky purple crocuses bringing brightness to the garden.

Daffodil Close-up

Daffodil Close-up
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Distilled sunshine. Don't daffodils in the spring sunshine just make one want to smile. They are the heralds of Spring and the promise of a summer of flowers. They make us want to see a world which is full of colour and sunshine.