Friday, February 24, 2006

Suki asleep

Suki asleep
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Suki in her favourite position-SLEEPING.
This isa catwhich spends approximately 22.5 hour perday sleeping. She spends the rest of the time, eating, grooming, watching birds out of the window, and a VERY SMALL amount of time outdoors [in winter - too cold for her I think!]
Still there is something comforting about having a sleeping cat in the room with you while you work - I suppose it is a trust thing. Plus she seems to make the place look 'warm'!

Sphinx Sukicat.

Sphinx Sukicat.
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
This is my very relaxed cat Suki in one of her favourite positions - sphinx copying on the dining room table, while I am working on my laptop! She has really been enjoying the fact that I have been at home most of the time since New Year! Some one toask for foodatany hour of the day, instead of just the evenings!