Friday, October 28, 2005

Stuart Nugent Clutha Vaults 2005

Stuart Nugent Clutha Vaults 2005
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Another accomplished musician who occasianlly drops in for a play at the Clutha Vaults Open Mike.

TheWorkmans Clutha Vaults 2005

TheWorkmans Clutha Vaults 2005
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
This is Stuart and his daughter at the Open Mike night. Stuart often travels through from Edinburgh for the sessions.

Brian Smith - Vagabonds 25 sep 2005

My friend Brian, lead guitar with The Vagabonds, at a gig in the County Inn, Glasgow

Bob Leslie Clutha Vaults 2005

Bob Leslie Clutha Vaults 2005
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Another one of the regular singers at Sandy's Open Mike night on Wednesdays at the Clutha Vaults, Bob also performs with his band The Outfit playing his own music

Joe Mcatamy Clutha Vaults 2005

Joe Mcatamy Clutha Vaults 2005
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
One of the regular singers at Sandy's Open Mike night on Wednesdays at the Clutha Vaults

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Artist's fungus

Artist's fungus
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Does anyone know WHY this is called Artist's Fungus? I found these magnificent speciments in an area of woodland next to the Forth and Clyde Canal near Cadder. It was growing on an old dead Wych Elm tree. The tops had been lopped off but they left the trunk standing thankfully as it had some superb large holes near the top which would be ideal for large nest holes - for Owls etc..

Muirshiel Sunset

Muirshiel Hills
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
This makes me think of peaceful autumn evenings - the quality of the light is definately different from the summer sunsets. The sun also sets much further to the south west as well!!

The only thing which spoils the feeling of 'wilderness' are the power lines which string their way along the road side for the length of the glen up to the country park buildings.

The moorlands on the other side of the park however are wonderfull - so silent apart from birds, insects, the odd plane flying over and only occasionally the sound of other people. and yet this is only about 20 miles from the very centre of Glasgow!


Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I took a run up to Muirshiel Country Park last weekend - after doing some work in the city on the Sunday afternoon. I drove up the glen just as the sun was dropping down below the horizon of the hills.
This Blackface sheep in the upper Glen, must have thought I was daft - getting out of my car to take photos of the sunset! Watched me for a short time then wandered off to find more sweet grass.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Suki cat was restless, she wanted to go out into the soft night to see who had been in the garden and to hunt for the woodmice. She is too scared to go out during the daylight – too easily seen with all her white fur. In the night she can ‘stalk’ in the silken shadows and the velvety gloaming [with street lights and security lights it is never pitch black in our suburb],and Friday night was calm, mild and moonlit.

She wears a collar with two bells, to warn wildlife and this also lets me know when she is back at the front door – she shakes her head to rattle her bells so that I will hear here and come and let her indoors. She rarely goes out for more than an hour or two at the most.

On Friday night however, about half past eight, I heard her bells outside the window AND a squeaky/screechy sort of noise – from a bird of some kind. Blackbirds often sing in the night in the spring [streetlights again] and occasionally I have heard Oystercatchers flying over at night and calling but this was different. I went outside and Suki was sitting at the foot of the bay window, but heard me come out and started crossing the path to the front lawn. I heard the noise again immediately that Suki stated to move, I looked up to the top of my newly polled* Sycamore tree straight at a Tawny Owl – only 4 metres away! It was ‘screeching’ away at Suki –as if it was giving the cat either a row for disturbing her hunting or directions on where to go to flush out the mice for the her!
(* the tree trunks are about 95 years old but have had all the branches chopped off at the top. – every year it grows small branches up to 5cm in diameter, and every Autumn they are cut off again to give a pillar effect)

I went back inside for my camera but by the time I came out the Tawny Owl had moved to the top of the street lamp, and the light interfered with the camera so that I could not get the Tawny Owl to show up on the camera at all. Suki by this time had headed out onto the pavement and was walking up the road – under the Tawny Owl’s perch, towards the neighbours gate [they have a yew tree and the dropped berries attrach the woodmice at this time of year]. As Suki moved along the Tawny Owl watched her every move – ignoring me.
Once Suki disappeared through the neighbour’s gate, the Tawny Owl flew off without the slightest sound, over my head and down the garden into the velvet blackness. Suki returned to the house about twenty minutes later, perfectly happy to go and have some munchies and then settle down for a sleep at the radiator!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

George Square, Glasgow

George Square, Glasgow
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
George Square on a glorious sunny September afternoon.

Queen Street Station

Queen Street Station
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
The canopy here looks a little like an old tiara. Nicely lit by the autumn sunshine though

Barrel patterns

Barrel patterns
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Spotted these on my return to Glasgow Queen Street railway station from Edinburgh. I thought they made a nice pattern

Suki and her mouse

Suki and her mouse
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
This is my cat Suki with the young Woodmouse which she had caught and brought in from the garden. It was soon put back out!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

stone carving

stone carving
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
An inscription on a stone in the Hidden Garden in Glasgow. Read it anyway around that you want - it sometimes gives it a different meaning!

I like finding this sort of thing - it makes people look at something in a different way - and maybe think too!


Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I liked these patterns made by different ground sufaces - old cobbles next to old cracked concrete softened by nature. [Also found at the hidden gardens]

Bird Brains?

Bird Brains?
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
Are they trying to attract a certain type of 'educated' bird or are they trying to teach them to read the signs?

This was just one of the nestboxes in the Hidden Garden - which is tucked in behind the Tramway Theatre in Glasgow. When I was a lot younger this was the site of Glasgow's transport museum, and prior to that - the tram terminus!!

September scenery

September scenery
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
a view of the farmland between Falkirk and Glasgow - taken from the speeding express train!

I wasn't sure if the photo would come out sharp - but judge for yourself.

Shadows from the past

Shadows from the past
Originally uploaded by Kindurco.
I liked the way this shadow appeared on the ground in George Square in Glasgow.

I was returning from a day's conference in Edinburgh and crossing from Queen Street Station to head for Argyll Street Station [ different line]. It was such a lovely sunny September afternoon